Monday, March 24, 2008


u know it so happens tht u think u have not really done anything,but still ppl tend to make u realize tht u r at i dun't know wht's happening... ppl start biting all of a sudden..they dun't like ur ideas, they dun't like ur suggestions, they dun't like ur work, they're very keen on their taunts.... wht m i suppose to do...they r my friends... :S... friends! but u knw works both ways... as always... u can't let it on alone for long... like there's this...weird knot..tht begs u to hold onto it... but u know it's of no use.... but still u r crazy enuff to hold onto it...:S ... n cherry on top, u dun't even know why.. :S ... m like really confused... everytime i decide tht yes things r getting better n at the dwindles sumhow back to rearend... and the worst of all is tht when it's all grouped up! :S